How Does Your Illness Serve You?
Recently, I overheard two women talking about hormones and menopause in of all of the places, a public restroom. One of them was explaining about the over the counter herbs she was taking to try and help with her hot flashes. Her friend stated very emphatically “I do not believe in natural health.” So I wondered if that meant she believed in unnatural health!
Outside of my office, people ask me what I do for a living and I reply that I am a holistic health practitioner. I often receive a follow up question such as “Who would come to see a “voodoo doctor?”
And so, I smiled and change the subject. Who indeed would want to live a productive, joyful, pain and angst-free life and look great to boot? Who indeed would want to spend happy times with friends and family, rather than wasting hours and hours in their doctors’ waiting rooms, filling prescription after prescription, worrying about their insurance premiums going higher and higher or not being able to even see the specialist of their choice because has or she no longer even accepts insurance?
This blog is neither about “selling” the natural approach to wellness nor “bashing” conventional medicine. Rather, I’d like to educate and inform you in the most constructive way.
There are several types of folk who we see time and time again. They come into the office; they improve, and continue to be proactive about their health and wellness. They adjust their nutrition, get to the bottom of deficiencies, feel fantastic and bring along their family and friends.
The first type, most common to our practice is the very savvy and educated consumer who has learned through his/her own experiences the value of the holistic approach. Unlike others, such as the ones mentioned above, they spent the time and effort to understand what is truly going on with conventional medical practices and Big Pharm. They see our value, both health wise and financially. They spend their hard earned resources where it counts. Yes, they of course, do carry basic/catastrophic insurance for true medical emergencies, but they do not waste tens of thousands of dollars on useless and often dangerous conventional medical practices. Instead of getting angry when told that we do not work with insurance, they appreciate the highest quality of care, excellent service, integrity and affordability. Many of them use their Health Saving Accounts dollars with us while enjoying tax benefits. This is the core of our practice – our VIPs, many of whom have become dear friends.
The second type of folk who come to see us are less aware, less interested in their long term wellness, a bit skeptical because they are not getting anywhere with their doctors. Maybe their family member or friend is a part of our practice and they have seen the results. They are willing to be re-educated and they truly want to get well and stay well. Although it takes them a little while to adjust to our philosophy, once they see the rapid improvement, they become our best ambassadors! It is a beautiful thing to see: the light of knowledge and the feeling of being in charge of their own destiny.
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Unfortunately, for other conventional people, it is simply too late. They have been so brain washed by the current medical practice of “cut, poison and burn,” they do not trust anything else. In many cases, they like the pills, the endless tests and procedures. They cannot or will not make any meaningful changes. They do not comply, therefore, we cat not help them. I remember, one particular case, when a man told me rather bluntly, “Why would I do all you ask when I can just take a few pills and continue to do as I please? My insurance covers the meds and it does not cover your natural stuff! I do not have the money for expensive supplements. I can buy cheap vitamins at Costco.” Needless to say, we parted ways. He was severely diabetic, suffered from arthritis and hypertension. He drank alcohol and ate poorly. He had prostate cancer. He was not at all chronologically old, but looked well into his seventies. Now, I will be uncharacteristically blunt: his prognosis did bode well.
Then there are the saddest, most heartbreaking folks. We are literally their “last stop.” They are truly chronically ill and have done everything modern medicine can do to no avail. They are desperate to do anything and everything alternative to prolong at least the quality of their remaining lives. I give them all of the information I can, often without charge, but unfortunately, cannot take their money. Too bad, they did not come in earlier.
One particular encounter comes to mind. The woman was in her early forties and came in to get some nutritional advice for her end-stage kidney disease, managed by dialysis. In fact, she was quick to joke that she probably will die before the kidney she desperately needed to live would became available. Of course, I did my job and gave her the up to date nutritional recommendations. She was very beautiful, dressed in designer clothes and lived in an extremely affluent community. I asked her why she hadn’t looked into the very well-documented complimentary approach of holistic nutrition, herbs, and acupuncture, before dialysis. She answered in a dismissive tone, my doctors told me not to bother.
I work with many kidney disease patients with the blessings from their urologists, but something about her did not sit right with me and I posed a question I rarely feel comfortable asking “Do you mind sharing with me, how your disease serves you?” I was ready for her anger, but she looked me straight in the eye and answered without thinking, “people treat me better, my husband is not on me every moment, he drives me everywhere and he never says no to me or my son from previous marriage with special needs.” I was blown away and could only thank her from the bottom of my heart for her honesty.
and so I call upon you to be honest with yourself and ask: “how does my poor physical state serve me?” If it doesn’t, come join the Natural Health Revolution. We won’t let you down.